Ecology & Evolution and Marine Biology
Lambrecht Plant Ecology Research Lab
Susan Lambrecht's lab studies plant physiological ecology, focusing on how climate
and other abiotic factors shape variation and evolution of plant functional traits.
Shaffer Avian Physiology and Ecology Lab
Dr. Shaffer's Lab studies the physiological ecology of vertebrates, focused primarily
on linkages between energy expenditure, behavior, and life history evolution in free-ranging
birds. His lab uses a variety of novel data logging technologies to monitor behavior
as well as conventional methods to measure energy expenditure and physiological performance.
deVries Marine Biology Laboratory
In the deVries Lab, we study what and how marine invertebrates eat and defend themselves
from predators in order to understand how diet and morphology can help shape the ecology
of an ecosystem. We further explore how environmental change may alter these relationships.
We examine these concepts in coastal ecosystems by integrating tools from animal behavior,
stable isotope ecology, aquaculture, genetics, biomechanics, engineering, and robotics.
Larabee Insect Biomechanics and Evolution Lab
Fredrick Larabee's lab studies insect morphology and biodiversity, particularly how
mouthpart morphology influences insect ecology and evolution. His lab uses techniques
ranging from behavior and 3D imaging to molecular phylogenetics and geometric morphometrics.
Molecular Biology
French Drosophila Genetics Lab
We study the effects of alcohol exposure on development using fruit flies as a genetic
model. Our current projects involve examining the interactions between alcohol and
epigenetic regulation of gene expression, as well as the links between alcohol and
VanHoven Lab
We are interested in the molecular and genetic mechanisms of neural development and
behavior in the microscopic nematode C. elegans. Specifically, we are interested
in neural circuit formation and function of the phasmid sensory circuit. These studies
may help us to understand neurological disorders such as autism and schizophrenia.
Grillo-Hill Cell Biology Lab
How does the environment of a cell regulate its behavior? Our lab studies how chemical
changes alter cell behaviors. We focus on acid levels, also called intracellular pH
(pHi). Cells generate acids as a result of normal cellular processes, and cancer cells
are more basic than normal cells. We showed that increasing pH in normal cells is
sufficient to induce cancer cells behaviors. Current questions include: How does increased
pHi promote cell proliferation? Paradoxically, how does increased pHi promote cell
death? How does increased pHi work with oncogenic Ras-signaling to promote metastasis?
Which molecules mediates these processes, and how does this occur?
Vishal Lab
Muscle requires constant repair and regeneration during the life cycle of an organism.
This repair/growth is dependent on specialized cells called muscle stem cells/satellite
cells. The stem cells reside in the vicinity of muscle fibers and stay quiescent under
normal conditions. Following an injury or a developmental signal, stem cells exit
quiescence, undergo proliferation, and differentiate to make up the muscle mass. Mammalian
studies have highlighted the role of signaling pathways in regulating muscle growth/repair.
However, the detailed mechanisms through which this regulation takes place is not
clearly understood. Thelong-term objective of our lab is to understand how signaling
molecules control muscle health during development, aging and myopathies in Drosophila.
Microbiology and Immunology
Ouverney Lab
Our research focuses on the characterization of emerging uncultivable pathogenic Bacteria
and Archaea associated with humans. Most prokaryotes in natural environmental sites
are thought to be uncultivable. Some of these prokaryotes are also present in humans
and have been recently associated with human diseases, such as bacteria in the Candidate
Division TM7 associated with the oral disease periodontitis. More specifically our
research interests are to discover the natural sources of human-associated TM7 bacteria
and to establish a TM7 bacterium model to further understand its role in the human body.
Singhal PhAGE Lab
Text: The PhAGE lab uses microbes to study how living things evolve. We focus in particular
on viruses that infect bacteria (called “bacteriophages,” or “phages” for short).
Our lab addresses questions such as: 1) How do viruses evolve to withstand increasing
temperatures? 2) How do viruses evolve to infect new host cell types? Our research
has broader applications to the emergence of new diseases, adaptation under climate
change, and evolutionary mechanisms in other living organisms.
Rech Environmental Microbiology Lab
Our major project focuses on the change of the soil microbial population in response
to decreasing moisture in the Mojave desert. We are using molecular tools to characterize
the populations in the soil samples collected along a precipitation gradient. Currently
we specifically focus on the genes involved in the nitrogen cycle and we are beginning
to elucidate the influence of available moisture on this cycle. In addition we are
working with bacteria isolated from the red banded acorn worm. Our major interest
is the production of bromoperoxidases by these isolates. This involves the isolation
and characterization of the enzymes.
Dinh Lab
The vasculature is composed of specialized endothelial cells that not only facilitate
the exchange of oxygen and nutrient delivery, but is also the site of immune cell
trafficking, underscoring its importance in disease pathophysiology. Post-capillary
venules (PCVs) are a specialized type of venular endothelial cell that facilitate
extravasation through binding of cell surface receptors, addressins, to their ligand
on the immune cells. The Dinh lab’s long-term goal is to systemically delineate the
transcriptional cues that dictate vascular segmentation, specifically venules, and
how they change under inflammation.
Adams Pathogenic Microbiology Lab
The Adams Lab focuses on the epic microbial battle that takes place in your lungs
everyday between dangerous pathogens and vigilant white blood cells. Caught in between
are the poor lung epithelial cells that can be damaged in the process. What weapons
do the microbes use to cause disease? What defenses can our white blood cells provide?
And how can we help our lung cells survive it all? We investigate these questions
by using a combination of approaches in microbiology, immunology, biochemistry, and
computer science. Oh yeah, and we also love science puns.
Skovran Lab
Methylotrophic bacteria use single-carbon chemicals for growth and are important for
the global carbon cycle. We are genetically engineering methylotrophic bacteria to
recover rare earth metals from electronic waste for reuse in manufacturing. To facilitate
these efforts, we use genetic, molecular, biochemical, and omics-based techniques
to investigate the metabolism and homeostatic mechanisms needed for rare earth metal
acquisition, storage, and use. Additionally, we are developing and implementing new
tools for use in methylotrophic bacteria including CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing and gene
Khatib Lab
The Applied Virology lab seeks to develop novel molecular methods for detection of
non-polio enteric viruses in water scarce, resource limited regions. The methods are
evaluated using computational approaches and laboratory verification in wastewater
and recycled water samples.
Systems Physiology
Wilkinson Neurophysiology Lab
Katie Wilkinson's lab studies the muscle sensory neurons that innervate the muscle spindle and provide
body position and movement information to the central nervous system. These neurons
are essential for balance and motor control. Our lab is interested in understanding
how these neurons translate muscle stretch into action potentials and what causes
these neurons to malfunction.
Ensminger Lab
Our lab is interested in how the neuroendocrine stress response alters wildlife behavior,
physiology, and molecular biology. Currently, we are studying the effects of stress
during gestation in wild fence lizards and how that maternal stress alters offspring
behavior, immune function, and redox balance.
Payumo Molecular Cardiology Lab
Our research program focuses on understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms
limiting the proliferative capacity of cardiomyocytes, specialized cells responsible
for heart contractility. After a heart attack, cardiomyocytes die and are permanently
lost resulting in pathological cardiac remodeling, heart disease, and human death.
By understanding cardiomyocyte cell-cycle regulation, our lab aims to identify new
therapeutic targets that may guide strategies in cardiac regenerative medicine to
better treat ischemic injury and restore heart function.