Center for Banking and Financial Services

Center for Banking and Financial ServicesFounded in 2008, the purpose of the Center for Banking and Financial Services (CBFS) is to establish valuable partnerships between San José State University's Lucas College and Graduate School of Business and local financial institutions. The focus of the Center's efforts is to create links between talented SJSU students and the banking and financial services industry in order to enhance student knowledge through curricular and extra-curricular activities. This is especially important because there may be a discrepancy between the career opportunities in the financial sector and students' understanding of those opportunities. The CBFS assists the partner institutions in rewarding excellence among students and faculty members through scholarships, internships, and grants. Please visit the CBFS Executive Board page for more information about our partner institutions and CBFS representatives.

Activities and Events:
The Center for Banking and Financial Services has many activities and events including Credit Analyst Certificate, Professional Development Meetings, Industry Study Tours, and Economic Summit. Please visit the CBFS activities page to learn more.

The Center for Banking and Financial Services publishes a newsletter twice a year. Please refer to the newsletter page for the current and past issues.

Spring 2025 Events:

Equity Competition
Application deadline: Friday, February 14, at 12pm 

Avidbank Game Competition
Application deadline: Monday, March 3 at 12pm

Star One Credit Union Mortgage Banking Certificate
Application deadline: Friday, February 21, at 12pm

CBFS Scholoarship Ceremony (By invitation only)  
Tuesday, March 25 from 5:30pm – 7:00pm

2025 Networking Success from the Executive Suite
Student Union Ballroom
Tuesday, April 22 from 4:30pm – 5:50pm

Banking and Investment Association (BIA) Professional Development Meetings
Tuesdays 4:30pm-5:50pm