
Help Us Reach Our Goals

Thank you for your interest in helping the SJSU Department of Economics provide high quality, student-focused economic education. Your generous support helps us attract top faculty, provide challenging and dynamic instruction, and offer wide-ranging economics programming for our students with an emphasis on market process.

Our Programs

The David S. Saurman Provocative Lecture Series

lecture series open to the public that invites attendees to consider intellectual arguments on controversial topics, generally from an economics perspective.

Student Scholarship Programs

Many of our undergraduate and graduate students have difficulty making ends meet in pricey Silicon Valley. Your donations allow students the ability to spend less time in the workplace, and more time at their studies, increasing their likelihood of academic success. We have scholarships based both on need and on merit. 

Gifts at Any Level are Welcome

San José State University Foundation is a nonprofit, educational organization, exempt from federal taxation under section 501(c)(3). Contributions to the Department of Economics through the Foundation are therefore tax-deductible.

By credit card

Please visit the SJSU donation page.
On the Giving to SJSU page:

  • Under I'd like to Support
    Select, I'd like to Choose a Giving Opportunity
  • Under My Selections (see screenshot below)
    Type, economics
  • Scroll down to Colleges
    Select, Department of Economics, then Continue
  • You will be taken back to the Giving to SJSU page to complete your donation.
  • Thank you!

Example screenshot

By regular mail

If you wish to direct your gift to a particular program within the Economics Department.

Please make check payable to: 

Tower Foundation (Note the program on the memo line of your check.)

Please send check to:

SJSU, Dept. of Economics
One Washington Square
San José, CA  95192-0114


There are many other ways to have a lasting and resounding impact on students. You can make donations of appreciated securities, real estate, or collections of books or artwork. You can also make us a beneficiary of your will or revocable trust.

For more information, please contact:

Rui Liu, Ph.D.
Department Chair

Evan Smallwood
Director of Development
College of Social Sciences
University Advancement