H&A Orientation

students pointing at SJSU logo

Welcome to SJSU, Future Spartans!

We are incredibly excited to introduce you to the next step of what will be the next part of your journey! In preparing for Admitted Spartan Day and Orientation, follow the resources and links below to see what you need to get ready, what you can expect, and referrals to other resources to help you out.

Orientation for H&A Frosh Spartans

get ready frosh


In late-June you will receive an email and an invitation to complete the Pre-Orientation Canvas course. Please make sure you check your SJSU Gmail and personal email account! Be sure to review the Canvas course as it will have very important information that will help to get you enrolled in the courses when you meet with your H&A advising team on day two of Sparta Camp!


Attend Sparta Camp

Get Ready

All admitted students must attend one Sparta Camp session and participate for the entire duration of the program. The program is a two-day experience and begins at 8:00 am on both days.

On day two of Sparta Camp you will meet with your team of academic advisors who will assist you in the registration process.  It is highly recommended that you bring a laptop with you as this will make the registration process go as smoothly as possible. As mentioned, the Canvas course and emails sent to you in advance will be crucial to review for day two of Sparta Camp. 

For more information about the sessions, please visit the New Student & Family Program website.


Frosh next steps

Next Steps

Once you have attended your Sparta Camp orientation, you will receive a Post-Orientation email with important information you'll need to know for the Fall 2025 term as well as how and when you are able to make appointments with your H&A Advising team.

Orientation for H&A Transfer Spartans

Transfer Spartans get ready


All admitted students must attend one Spartan Experience for Transfer session and participate for the entire duration of the program. The program is a one-day experience and begins at 8:00 am. For more information about the sessions, please visit the New Student & Family Program website NSFP website


transfer exp

Get Ready

Advising during Spartan Experience for Transfers will be managed by your major advisors.  These are faculty within your major department.  They will assist you in choosing the correct courses for the Fall 2025 term.

Some students, not all, may receive emails as early as June from their major advisors, so please make sure you check your SJSU Gmail and personal email account for important information about course registration!



Transfer Spartans next steps

Next Steps

After all Spartan Experience for Transfers are completed, the H&A advising team will conduct workshops for any students who need additional support with registration questions in regards to general education requirements.  Please be on the look out in late-June for an email from the Humanities & the Arts Student Success Center for workshop days and times.