Meet Our Team
- Long-Term Abroad Program Advisors (Semester / Year)
Meet Julie and Vid who manage our semester or yearlong global opportunities in the SJSU Exchange, CSU IP, or ISEP programs and the National Student Exchange (NSE) programs in the United States and territories of Guam, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands.
Julie Lucas, M.A.
Senior Study Abroad Coordinator
Direct: (408) 924-6057 | Email:
Book An AppointmentProgram Portfolio: SJSU Exchange Programs (Europe, Latin America, and Africa), CSU IP (all locations)
Advising Liaison: College of Engineering, College of Social Sciences, MOSAIC Cross Cultural Center
Bio: Julie is a proud Chicago native! She studied abroad in Granada, Spain her junior year of college and earned a B.S. in Psychology and Spanish from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. After graduation, she moved to Salamanca, Spain where she taught English and worked with students studying abroad in Spain. She then completed her M.A. in International Education Management at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey. Before moving back to California, she worked with outbound study abroad students at a nonprofit organization in Chicago.
Fun Facts: Julie enjoys practicing yoga, dancing salsa, and spending time outdoors. She loves weekend hikes and traveling to new places.
Vidalino Raatior, Ed.D.
Coordinator, Study Abroad & Exchanges
Phone: (408) 924-2684 | Email:
Book An AppointmentProgram Portfolio: SJSU Exchange (Asia and Oceania), ISEP Programs (all locations), and all locations in the National Student Exchange (NSE) program.
Advising Liaison: Center for Asian Pacific Islander Student Empowerment (CAPISE), Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), Connie L. Lurie College of Education, UndocuSpartan Student Success Center
Bio: Vid is a native Pacific Islander from Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). He came to study in the United States eventually earning a B.A. in communications from the University of Guam, M.A. in school administration from University of San Francisco, and a Doctor of Education (Ed.D) from University of Hawai’i. During his 20-year career in higher education Vid has held a number of roles as International Student Advisor, Assistant Director of Study Abroad, Associate Director of the Center for Multicultural Learning, Director of the Pacific Islander Student Center and a STEM-focused initiative at Santa Clara University, University of Hawaii at Hilo, and University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC).
Fun Facts: Vid lives in the Santa Cruz area, loves his kids and when he's not working he engages in equity-focused initiatives.
- Short-Term Abroad Program Advisors (Summer/Winter)
Meet Courtney and Erin who manage our summer and winter opportunities including the Faculty-Led Programs (FLP), Summer School Abroad (SSA) programs and Global Internship programs.
Courtney Anne Jackson, M.A.
Program Specialist
Phone: (408)924-2613 | Email:
Book An AppointmentProgram Portfolio: Faculty-Led Programs (FLP), Summer School Abroad (SSA) programs
Advising Liaison: College of Business, Undergraduate Advising and Success Center, Black Leadership and Opportunity Center (BLOC)
Bio: Courtney is a proud Northern Californian. She was born in Oakland and raised in a rural community in the Sierra Nevada Mountains called Quincy, CA. Courtney studied abroad in Rome, Italy her junior year while earning her B.A. in Cultural Memory and the Arts from Whittier College. After graduation, she worked supporting international students in San Francisco before getting her M.A. in International Education Management at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, where she studied abroad in Chile. Courtney spent 6 years working in international education in Washington before joining the SJSU SAA team.
Fun Facts: Courtney enjoys competitive swimming, museums, and archaeological sites. She also loves traveling to new places in search of street art and the world’s best mac and cheese.
Erin Kelly-Weber, M.A., M.P.A.
Senior Program Specialist
Phone: (408) 924-5916 | Email:
Book An AppointmentProgram Portfolio: Faculty-Led Programs (FLP), Summer School Abroad (SSA), Global Internships
Advising Liaison: College of Health and Human Sciences, College of Humanities & Arts; PRIDE & Gender Equity Center
Bio: Erin was born and raised in New Jersey but calls Chicago her second home after having studied and worked there for 12 years. Erin studied abroad in Santiago, Chile during her junior year of college and earned a BA in Anthropology and International Studies with a Spanish minor from Northwestern University. Throughout her 10+ years of working in international education, she has supported university and high school students on study abroad programs both in the U.S. and overseas, and has studied or worked in 12 countries. Erin earned a Master of Arts in International Education Management and a Master of Public Administration (MPA) from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies (MIIS) in Monterey. She is passionate about fostering cross-cultural communication and creating accessible and equitable international education opportunities for every student.
Fun Facts: Erin is thrilled to continue living her CA adventure at SJSU! In her spare time, she enjoys reading, hiking, practicing yoga, spending time with her two cats and learning about different languages and cultures.
- Faculty Support
Meet Dr. Zartoshty who serves as the Senior Director of Global Programs and Services and as the Senior International Officer (SIO). In her role, she supports our faculty in developing global opportunities through the Faculty-Led Programs (FLP), Fulbright Scholars, and other faculty exchange programs.
Parinaz Zartoshty, Ed.D.
Senior Director, Global Programs and ServicesPhone: (408) 924-6144 | Email:
Appointment via emailBio: Parinaz is originally from Tehran, Iran and earned her Bachelor’s degree from Cornell University in Government/International Relations and her Master’s degree in International Relations from Boston University. She earned her doctorate degree in Educational Leadership at SJSU. Parinaz entered the field of international education after having worked for Amnesty International, UNICEF and other smaller nonprofits, both in the US and internationally. She speaks several languages including Farsi, French and German. Parinaz studied abroad in Paris, France and has also worked abroad in the Middle East. Parinaz is passionate about international education, whether it is welcoming students at SJSU, sending SJSU students abroad, facilitating cultural exchange virtually, or empowering faculty to foster those cross-cultural connections.
Fun Facts: Parinaz loves hiking, reading and of course traveling. She loves all international cuisine, but especially Japanese, Mexican and Korean food.
- Peer Mentors & Global Ambassadors
Want to learn the experience of former study abroad students? Contact our Peer Mentors and our Global Ambassadors who support global education at SJSU by sharing their study abroad experiences with prospective study abroad students.
Jeremy Quero
MAJOR: Engineering Technology
PROGRAM: Business and Society – Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences – Rotterdam Netherlands
EMAIL: jeremy.quero@sjsu.eduMy name is Jeremy Quero, I am an Engineering Technology focus on Manufacturing Systems and my minor is Business. I’m just another student from SJSU that likes to play video games, listen to music of any genre that is catchy, watch movies and shows specifically anime, and go on adventures. I studied at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (RUAS) for the spring 2023 semester. Going on the program was definitely an experience that any student should do. I did something out of my comfort zone, I got to understand the culture of the Dutch and the many other cultures that were present, and most importantly I got to travel across Europe with the friends I made in Rotterdam. Read more
Diana Vazquez
MAJOR: Anthropology
PROGRAM: Germany CSU IP – University of Tubingen
EMAIL: diana.vazquez@sjsu.eduPrior to attending SJSU, I was a student at Sonoma State University where I studied Computer Science. During my time there I studied abroad in Germany with CSU IP. It was this program and my time abroad that gave me that push to switch majors to something I actually loved doing. Due to the Pandemic, I sadly didn’t get to finish my year program, and was sent home four months early. When I returned home, I transferred to SJSU and switched my major Anthropology, with a concentration in Archaeology. Studying Abroad showed me that I want a career where I can be out in the world exploring and learning about different cultures. I hope to get into a Master’s and PhD program in Europe, where I will hopefully be able to relocate to live there. My time studying abroad definitely gave me a new perspective for the world, and a desire to explore every inch of our planet. Read more
Sophia Garske
MAJOR: Business Administration, International Business
PROGRAM: SJSU Exchange – Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
EMAIL: sophia.garske@sjsu.eduNavigating different cultures has been a part of my life since before I could logically understand what “culture” meant. My mother is Colombian and my father from the United States, meaning bilingualism has been a norm not only in my home, but in any environment I found myself in. Growing up, I had the luck of living in both the U.S. and Colombia. By the time I arrived in San Jose, I knew my time to see the world was not over, but only just beginning. Since my very first day on campus at orientation, the moment I met Julie and learned that studying abroad was an option, I was set. I had a deep understanding that, no matter what country I chose, studying abroad in college would be in the books for me. Read more
Jasmine Rocha
MAJOR: Undeclared
PROGRAM: South Korea, SJSU Exchange – Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), South Korean
EMAIL: jasmine.rocha@sjsu.eduI consider myself an adventurous and optimistic person, always eager to experience new environments and perspectives. Studying abroad has been a long-standing dream of mine, and over the years, I’ve gone through multiple phases of planning my departure. In high school, I aspired to study in Japan and live a peaceful life in the countryside, but at the time, it wasn’t my moment to go. Read more
Want to learn the experience of former study abroad students? Check out our Global Ambassadors who support global education at SJSU by sharing their study abroad experiences with prospective study abroad students. Read Profiles
Contact Us
Study Abroad and Away
College of Professional and Global Education (CPGE)
One Washington Square San Jose, CA 95192-0135
Phone: (408) 924 2670