Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities

Vacant position headshot.

Jhony De Oliveira (he/him/his)

3rd year
Vocal Performance/Psychology major,                                       
Interdisciplinary Studies minor
Connect with Jhony!
Instagram: @jhonydeoliveira_
Jhony's LinkedIn
Office Hours (Zoom link):
Mon: 1:00 - 2:00pm
Wed: 12:00 - 2:00pm

More about Jhony

Favorite music:
K-pop, Pop, Opera, Brazilian Funk

Fun fact:
I love singing opera!

I love hiking, the beach, and just being in nature in general!
I also love cooking and baking. My mom owned a bakery in Brazil, and I would always stay in the kitchen, watching the workers bake making stuff and i learned a lot!
Traveling and road trips are another big part of my life. This past winter break, my friends and I drove from the Bay  to Seattle!

Director Goals

  • Advocate for increased visibility and support for undocumented and mixed-status students

  • Collaborate with resource centers to better understand and address students' necessities and concerns
  • Work alongside the Board of Directors to create a welcoming and secure environment where all students feel supported
  • Build strong connections with student organizations and campus centers to identify and tackle the challenges students face

Director Responsibilities

  • serve as the Vice Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee and Internal Affairs Committee

  • serve as a Student Senator on the Academic Senate

  • submit proposals to the Board of Directors and the Academic Senate recommending changes in academic policies pertaining to student rights and responsibilities, in coordination with Student Senators

  • promote awareness of the academic responsiblities of students and the various University grievance procedures available to them

  • provide a liaison report on the activities of the University Ombudsperson, Office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development, University Police Department (UPD), Gender Equity, and Title IX

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