Employer Guide to Hiring International Students
How can I learn more about employment options for students in F-1 status?
The International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) Office has more information about employment for F-1 students.
What type of paperwork do I need to submit in order to hire an F-1 student?
Employers do not have to process any additional paperwork when hiring an international student, only what is required when hiring a U.S. Citizen. It is the student’s responsibility to apply for the work authorization. All paperwork is handled by the student and the International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS).
What does the F-1 student’s work authorization look like?
Students on CPT (Curricular Practical Training) will receive confirmation through authorization located on the second page of their I-20.
Pre-Completion OPT, Post-Completion OPT and the 24-Month STEM Extension approvals are granted upon the student receipt of an Employment Authorization Document (EAD Card).
When can a student work?
In general, a student may be authorized to work off-campus after a full academic year (two semesters) in good standing. Work may be authorized during or after the student’s course of study. For students on Pre-Completion OPT, Post-Completion OPT and the 24 -Month STEM Extension, they may not begin work until they have received their Employment Authorization Document (EAD Card) and the start date given has been reached.
Students on CPT cannot start working until they have received their I-20 with CPT authorization, then work with the authorized dates for the specified employer on page two of their I-20.
Can an F-1 student work without an EAD card?
F-1 students MUST receive the EAD card in order to begin work on Pre-Completion OPT and Post-Completion OPT, They may not start work based on the I-797 approval notice or anything else apart from the EAD card within the indicated aprpvoed authorization.
Students who have filed a 24-Month STEM Extension application with USCIS, can continue to work for 180 days after their Post-Completion OPT end date, as long as they have filed their STEM OPT application in a timely manner* with USCIS. *Timely manner is defined as USCIS receiving a student's STEM OPT application (form I-765) within 60 days of the date a students STEM OPT was recommended by ISSS (International Student and Scholar Services), or by their Post-Completion OPT end date (whichever is first). Student's will need to show their employer their I-797 filing receipt for STEM OPT.
How many hours per week can a student work?
During fall and spring semesters, students may only work part-time, (20 hours or less per week). During the summer, students may work full-time, (up to 40 hours per week). Graduate students who have only their thesis or project remaining may be authorized to work full-time during the semester on Pre-Completion OPT or Post-Completion OPT.
What is E-Verify?
E-Verify is an online system which allows businesses to determine the eligibility of their employees to work in the United States. Students on the 24-Month (STEM) Extension may only work with companies enrolled in E-Verify. To learn more about E-verify, please visit the USCIS E-Verify page.
Are F-1 students subject to taxes?
While employers typically withhold Medicare/Social Security taxes from employee’s wages; this is NOT the case for non-resident, F-1 students. They are exempt from these taxes, though they are still subject to income tax withholding. An F-1 student is considered a non-resident for his or her first five calendar years in the United States. Please consult with a tax professional for more information on F-1 student taxes. Tax information for F-1 students.
Can a F-1 student be authorized for unpaid employment?
Employment authorization for unpaid work that is related to a student's major field of study is required through CPT, Pre-Completion OPT or Post-Completion OPT. For Post-Completion OPT, F-1 students may also report an unpaid employment experience. This will effectively stop the unemployment-day accumulation and could permit the student to continue searching for a paid opportunity while he or she is engaged in unpaid employment. However, the student must ensure that proper records and timecards are maintained for their unpaid employment experience in the event that they have to show proof of their work experience/duties.
Does the student have to use the SEVP Portal to report employment?
As of December 10, 2018, ISSS require students on Post-Completion OPT to report their employment through the SEVP portal. Please click on the following link to obtain more information on how to access the SEVP Portal: SEVP Portal Guidelines. STEM-OPT recipients must report their employment or any changes to employment through the STEM OPT employment update report e-form.
Additionally, the following form is used for students who want to reset the password of a locked SEVP Portal account, resend the SEVP Portal invitation email due to an expired previous invitation, inform ISSS of a change in preferred emails, or request correction of your OPT/STEM status in SEVIS: SEVP Portal Access Form
Select the following link for the SEVP Portal Tutorial Video
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