Shinchieh Duh

Shinchieh Duh

Associate Professor
Department of Psychology


ORCID: 0000-0003-0176-7118

developmental psychology; sociocultural contexts; assessment and training; infants and preschoolers; parenting; culture; social-emotional learning (SEL)

Current Research Activities

How do social, emotional, and cultural competencies develop in early childhood and early adulthood? How do we support development in these areas through research-community collaborations? As a developmental psychologist, I take a constructivist and sociocultural approach to study children's and young adults' learning and development: Individuals actively construct knowledge from their interactions with their social and cultural environments. To address the role of
social and cultural experience in development, my research program integrates three areas that build on one another: (1) development of social and emotional.


Personal Connections to Research

Having spent my childhood and adolescence in a different culture, along with the many years working in customer relationship management, had allowed me the unique opportunity to connect with diverse people and ideas. I have always enjoyed learning about the varied ways people think, feel, and behave, and the varied ways they come to be. I am especially interested in learning about change, so the transitional times (early childhood and early adulthood) seem like the natural choices for me to understand human flexibility and change.


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